BLAST have just announced that they will be reducing the season prize pools to increase the participation fees paid to teams. In addition to this, Non-partnered teams will also benefit from the 2021 season onward. Here is their announcement:
BLAST shift prize pool – Why?
The pandemic affected many things in esports, especially when it comes to LAN (offline) events. The travel bans and restrictions that were implemented made it impossible to fly out players and play the event offline. BLAST think this is the best way moving forward in order to build a better foundation for esports.
BLAST have made this change in agreement with its partnered teams to safeguard, develop and grow all teams and organizations that are participating in BLAST events. Despite the agreement between both parties, the Counter-Strike Professional Players’ Association (CSPPA) stated that this decision was made without consulting them and their players. They have now made it public that they are discussing the issue internally and are planning to discuss with BLAST as soon as possible.
Here’s what CEO of OG Esports, JMR Luna had this to say about the changes:
“Investing in the ecosystem enables all organizations, whether new or established, to develop infrastructure around the players. This change is crucial for the long term sustainability of our ecosystem.”
BLAST implementing a shift in prize pool is definitely a big change, especially for all the teams that are BLAST partners. Hopefully it will work out and all parties are happy with the changes.
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