The cs_summit regional qualifiers are currently underway, and there was a tiny bit of drama between c0ntact and the cs_summit admins. c0ntact’s coach, Neil Murphy requested that his team should have a 30 minute break at minimum, after having an intense 4 hour series versus Complexity. One of the admins, declined the 30-minute break, insisting that they should proceed with the map veto and get 20 minutes break afterwards (this would result in the team only having around 10 minutes break as usually map vetoes take a long time).
C0ntact kept insisting that they required a 30-minute break as one of the players was feeling unwell, however the admin rejected it once more, emphasising that he is following the rules. C0ntact went on with the veto so they can proceed with their break.
After a while, Neil Murphy contacted another admin to ask him as to why the admins are pushing c0ntact to play without a break. The admin then stated that there was 20 minutes since the preceding match ends, and while they chose not to penalize c0ntact for it, they should have started veto immediately after the earlier match versus Complexity. Neil then mentioned that he has never been treated as bad as this in his 10 year career.
Lately, with news of players taking breaks or retiring, we keep mentioning players’ health and how important it is to keep players at their 100%. This is a clear example of tournament organizers and admins not caring about their players but only caring about their broadcast and overall event. We can only hope that the admins involved were given a better direction of how to handle situations similar to the above and that players are treated better in the future.