Over the past weekend, we saw the conclusion of the PUBG Continenral Series 5. Taking place across multiple regions, it was the final chance to earn a seed at PUBG Global Championship 2021. Accordingly, with that being said, let’s take a look at the confirmed seeds below!
PUBG Global Championship 2021 – All 32 Teams
Indeed, this upcoming event is a huge deal. Accordingly, with $2,000,000 on the line, the best 32 teams in the world will be bringing it.
Credits: PUBG
Without further delay, the following are your confirmed 32 teams which look to compete:
Europe – Virtus.pro, FaZe Clan, Natus Vincere, Team Liquid, Question Mark, Heroic, ENCE, BBL Esports
Asia – Gen.G, NewHappy, ENTER FORCE.36, Global Esports Xsset, Petrichor Raod, Multi Circle Gaming, Danawa e-sports, 17 Gaming, GHIBLI Esports, MaD Clan, Veronica7, KaiXin Esports
Asia-Pacific – Buriram United Esports, Bao Nam United, Attack All Around, Unicorn Phoenix Da Nang, ArkAngel Predator, FURY
Indeed, it’s been a little less than a month since the PCS 5 events kicked off for competitive PUBG. Accordingly, some of the best teams in the world have been competing for $250,000 per region. Read on as we offer a short and concise PUBG Continental Series 5 Recap below!
PUBG Continental Series 5 Recap – Listing the Winners
Credits: PUBG
So, we’ll start things with a clear list of the top 5 teams according to the standings at the end of all the competition. Take a look how the four regions settled out following the event:
Europe – #1 Virtus.pro, #2 FaZe Clan, #3 Question Mark, #4 BBL Esports, #5 Natus Vincere
APAC – #1 BN United, #2 ArkAngel Predator, #3 Unicorn Phoenix Da Nang, #4 FURY, #5 Attack All Around
Asia – #1 Petrichor Road, #2 Multi Circle Gaming, #3 Danawa e-sports, #4 17 Gaming, #5 Veronica7
Accordingly, what have these teams earned? Specifically, by earning PGC point, the likes have earned a seed at the PUBG Global Championship 2021 event later in November.
With $2,000,000 on the line, the qualified seeds are definitely excited to be there. We’ll keep you updated on this upcoming event.
Heading into the next week, competitive PUBG looks to enjoy the upcoming PUBG Continental Series. However, an announcement just went live featuring a new event – the PUBG Global Championship 2021! Read on as we talk about the upcoming LAN event for the scene!
PUBG Global Championship 2021 – Going Offline
We're excited to introduce details for the upcoming PUBG Global Championship in November 2021!
Throughout the year we've heard your feedback on the future of #PUBGEsports and are excited to share our plans to reflect this. Thank you!
So, let’s start by listing some of the essential facts listed in the press release:
Venure – LAN/Online Hybrid Tournament
Location – Paradise City in Incheon, Korea
Date – November 19th to December 19th
Participants – top 32 teams in the world
Prize pool: over $2,000,000
Specifically, the teams will be split per region. Indeed, we’ll have 12 teams from Asia, 8 from Europe, and then six each from APAC and Americas. Entering this event will involve PGC Qualification Points.
Credits: PUBG Mobile
In terms of format, it looks to involve a Weekly Survival and Final for the competition. It’ll all cluminate in a Grand Final for the final 16 teams.
It’s definitely an exciting time for competitive PUBG. This looks to be the first offline competition since the PGI.S earlier this year which was incredibly succesful.
Currently, competitive PUBG is on its short summertime break prior to the competition returning in September. Bearing this in mind, it’s the perfect opportunity to wind back the clock and review the past year of competitive PUBG 2020/21. Join us as we crunch the numbers, view the highlights and discuss the future of this esport.
This Time Last Year – Suffering Due to Competition
Credits: ESL
Over the past two years, the player count of PUBG has dwindled due to battle royale competitors out there. Specifically, this time last year, CoD Warzone sent the player count downtown.
Indeed, this time last year, the player count sat at 230,000, the esports side of things was suffering due to teams leaving and internally, the situation needed help.
Looking at it a year later, it’s safe to say everything seems to be back on track.
Fact Sheet – The Best PUBG Esports Events Over the Year
Do note that many events were held, but we’ll only be picking those at the highest level for this discussion.
PUBG Continental Series 2 – August 2020
Credits: PUBG Corp
Once again bringing the fire to multiple regions, the second edition of the PCS continued to grow the scene further. Notably, it was actually at the second series that the standing record for viewership was attained at the PCS 2 Asia Pacific event.
Here, a Peak Viewership of 118,039 viewers and an average of 61,604 viewers spurred hope into the competitive scene once again. Do note that all other regions enjoyed some strong viewership too.
Do note that all viewership statistics were taken from the publically available Esports Charts.
PUBG Continental Series 3 – October 2020
Credits: PUBG Corp
Next on the timeline for S-Tier events is another iteration of multiple $200,000 events across 4 regions. You’ll be glad to know that viewership remained strong in this period of time, once again reaching the highest peak at the Asia Pacific Event.
Although a slight decrease at 85,074 peak viewers, other regions were picking it up so that overall, viewership was very similar to the PCS 2 event.
PUBG Global Invitational.S 2021 – February 2021
Credits: PUBG Corp
It goes without saying that this was the best event in the past year – no questions asked.
Indeed, throwing $7,000,000 on the line in the heart of China and South Korea, the event aimed to be the jubilee event of the entire year. So much so, that in terms of viewership the event offered an all-time record for PUBG esports.
Thanks to Esports Charts, we have the numbers. Firstly, a peak viewership of 221,903viewers blew the ceiling off! Otherwise, the average viewership of 118,552 is also another record.
Making an imprint on the global esports industry too, this event is the highlight of the year since August.
PUBG Continental Series 4 – June 2021
It's an absolute bloodbath at the end of PCS4 Europe Week 3 Day 2 Match 9 – @SkadePUBG controls the Top 4 to enter the WWCD CLUB!
Heading into further editions of the PCS, not much needed to be changed. Bearing this in mind, for the competitive PUBG 2020/21 season, prize pools received a bump.
Specifically, $250,000 is now offered to each region. Here, viewership was slightly less especially due to the seasonal change into summer. Yet, this was compensated for by the previous Global Invitational.
To conclude, beyond the Major events, some minor ones managed to grab some serious attention too:
Overall, we’re quite impressed with the state of competitive PUBG.
From last year looking dire, the ideas such as hosting the Invitational.S and offering larger prize pools have helped the scene move forward.
Credits: PUBG Corp
In terms of criticism, the only thing PUBG Corp. could work on is perhaps offering more smaller and high stakes events. Accordingly, the PCS events are great, but since they’re a month long this tends to affect viewership. Offering both long-term seasonal events and exciting weekend tournaments could be what this esport needs.
Anyways, we’re ready to get back to action with the PCS5 next month.
As we constantly check the date for the upcoming PUBG Continental Series 5, we’ve got some new details to confirm. Although the main event is a month away, the Qualifiers are a lot closer than that. Read on as we discuss how the initial prize of $1,000,000 will be spread in the coming weeks!
PUBG Continental Series 5 – Dates and Details for Qualifiers
The final battle before PGC crashes into APAC, Asia, Europe, and the Americas this September. It's time for the PUBG Continental Series 5! 📣
4 regions. 64 teams. Over $1M+ prize pool up for grabs.
For those unaware, the PCS5 is an event which will be held across four regions. Correspondingly, Europe, APAC, Asia and Americas will all enjoy their very own qualifier.
Each qualifier will thrown on $25,000 in the prize pool for teams to earn. Right now, the open qualifiers for NA and Latin America are already underway.
Within these regions, the teams then earn a nother chance to dive into the Americas Last Chance Qualifier to then make it to the main event.
Accordingly, the LCQ events will feature another $20,000 on the line with 16 teams competing for the last four spots. Here are the dates for them all:
PCS 5 Americas and APAC:
16-17th September
23-24th September
30-1st October
Credits: PUBG Corporation
PCS EU and Asia:
18-19th September
25-26th September
2-3rd October
That’s all the excitement to enjoy across the next few weeks.
As we draw closer to the main event, keep your eyes peeled for more featured articles.
We’ve had the Spring event a few months ago, now we know what’s next. Indeed, the PUBG Champions League Summer 2021 event is only a few days away and we’re excited for the action to get underway. Accordingly, you can find all the viewership details below in this featured ‘How to Watch’ article. Read on to learn more!
In terms of background, the PUBG Champions League is a major framework for competitive Chinese PUBG. Acting as the professional league for the country, this second event is the penultimate one before the PCS 5 Asia event. Accordingly, this event is an opportunity for teams to earn points for the PUBG Global Championship 2021 and to seed into the PCS 5.
Who’s competing? At the event, a total of 24 teams have nmade it. Specifically, 21 are competing once again from the Champions-Spring 2021 event, while 3 have qualified through the Preseason Summer event.
Below, you may find a comprehensive list of competing teams for the Squads event:
Four Angry Men
17 Gaming
Multi Circle Gaming
Games Forever Young
KaiXin Esports
Petrichor Road
Change The Game
Team Weibo ZHIKE
QM Gaming
DD Team
LinGan e-Sports
WUKONG E-Sports Club
Pre-season teams: RainbowStyle, NanZhao Gaming, For The Glory
Credits: PUBG Corporation
Let’s dive into how a single winner will emerge from the 24 teams.
What are they playing for? To note, the top 6 will earn direct seeds for the PCS Asia later on this year, while the remaining 21 will qualify for the PCL Spring 2022. Meanwhile, the bottom 3 of Regula rSeason will be demoted to the 2022 PCL Spring Preseason event.
Running from the 20th July to the 29th August, this event looks to be an awesome way to pass the summer.
Credits: PUBG Corporation
Simply put, there will be a few stages before we get to the Playoffs. Accordingly, you can find them concisely listed below:
Weekly Series: July 20th – August 22nd –> here, 6 games a week across three days. These games will be played within the three seeded groups already. From each week, the best 16 teams will progres to the Weekly Final of each Week.
Weekly Final – after each week of competition, the top 16 teams compete in 12 matches on 2 days in the Weekend for a chance to earn points to make it to the Playoff
Playoff – 30 matches on 5 days
At all stages, the Most Chicken Rule will apply.
Credits: PUBG Corporation
With regards to the Weekly Series, find the three groups below:
A Group – 17 Gaming, Petrichor Road, Team Weibo, Newhappy, LinGan e-Sports, WUKONG E-Sports Club, 2004STAR, RainbowStyle
B Group – Four Angry Men, Games Forever Young, Change The Game, NEXT, TYLOO, JUFU, Infantry, TITAN
C Group – Multi Circle Gaming, KaiXin Esports, QM Gaming, ZHIKE, DD Team, Tianba, NanZhao Gaming, For The Glory
Schedule for the PUBG Champions League Summer 2021
In terms of schedule, it’s incredibly broad and hard to capture. For the most part, like on July 20th, each day of competition should kick off at the same time of each competitive day. For the Weekly Series, this will be on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Notably, this time looks to be 12:00 CEST.
Credits: Tencent
Watch PUBG Champions League Summer 2021 on esportsguide
You can also watch the PUBG Champions League Summer 2021 live stream via our very own website. Providing an extensive list of the biggest esports together with streams for each esports match live today or upcoming matches.
Currently on our radar for competitive PUBG Mobile is none other than the multiple PUBG Mobile National Championship Regions events. Indeed, these national events are designed to offer competition across multiple countries for one of the most popular mobile esports ever. Read on as we cover a general viewership article!
Event Background
Bearing in mind how vast the number of events are, we’ll be listing some of the key facts below for each event:
Indonesia PMNC – 17-18th July – $22,559
Thailand PMNC – 16-18th July – $8,619
Malaysia PMNC – 16-18th July – $23,863
Vietnam PMNC – 2-18th July – $15,235
Credits: Tencent
Bangladesh PMNC – 22-25th July – $28,364
Nepal PMNC – 22-25th July – $28,968
Pakistan PMNC – 22-25th July – $28,243
Mexico PMNC – 6-8th August – $31,000
Brazil PMNC – 6-8th August – $31,000
Russia PMNC – 30th July to 1st August – $30,571
Turkey PMNC – 23-25th July – $27,711
France PMNC – 6-8th August – $29,692
Credits: Tencent
Germany PMNC – 6-8th August – $29,692
United Kingdom PMNC – 6-8th August – $30,585
Egypt PMNC – 22-24th July – $50,000
Iraq PMNC – 12-14th July – $50,000
Saudi Arabia PMNC – 15-17th July – $50,000
Depending on the region, teams are also playing for seeding for future events too. Also, all events will be held online and broadcasted worldwide.
Depending on the region, the format varies from Solos to Squads such as the PMNC ID 2021 which offers both for example. Regardless, the general manner in which teams earn points will be identical using the following Point Distribution system:
Credits: Tencent
Point Distribution
1 kill is worth 1 point
1st – 15 points
2nd – 12 points
3rd – 10 points
4th – 8 points
5th – 6 points
6th – 4 points
7th – 2 points
8-12th – 1 points
13-16th – 0 points
A the end of the day, regardless of specific format, teams will be doing their best to place high and score a strong number of kills to better chances of winning.
Schedule for the PUBG Mobile National Championship for all Regions
Credits: Tencent
With regards to the specific schedule for each individual event, we highly recommend checking both the official event page and the Liquipedia.
Watch PUBG Mobile National Championship on esportsguide
You can also watch the PUBG Mobile National Championship live stream via our very own website. Providing an extensive list of the biggest esports together with streams for each esports match live today or upcoming matches.
Predictions for the PUBG Mobile National Championship for all Regions
Credits: Tencent
This is definitely not the first time we’ve had to collectively cover multiple events for PUBG Mobile. Indeed, it is characteristic of the competitive scene to launch multiple small regional competitions in order to offer a wide reach, which improves viewership and competition.
Following up on the success of the PMPL, the PUBG Mobile Pro League events, the new PUBG Mobile National Championships will focus more on a national approach than a regional one.
PUBG MOBILE WORLD INVITATIONAL is coming to action from July 22nd to 25th!
32 teams will be divided to compete in #PMWI East & #PMWI West to determine the champion.
— PUBG MOBILE Esports (@EsportsPUBGM) July 9, 2021
Credits: PUBG MOBILE Esports
Bearing this in mind, we have high expectations in terms of viewership for many events, especially in hotspot nations for the scene such as South Asia. Notably, this includes Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan while in regions such as Southeast Asia, competition from Free Fire could spice things up.
In terms of individual predictions for each event, here at esportsguide there will be the coverage of any relevant news announcements. In addition, for many regions, this is the first time PUBG Mobile is entering and hence, competition is entirely fresh and unpredictable.
It's time to #OWNTHECIRCLE! 🔥 The PUBG MOBILE WORLD INVITATIONAL is July 22-25, with a 3 MILLION $ charity pool! 💰🚨 Powered by GAMERS WITHOUT BORDERS. Official smart phone partner OnePlus & Media Partner Nimo TV. Follow @esportspubgmobile for updates! #PUBGMOBILE#PMWI2021pic.twitter.com/tOMGoVR3v0
As stated above, this new PUBG map will be called TAEGO and it will be the first 8×8 map since Miramar’s release. The map layout is going to be Eastern-Themed and has some similarities to Erangel. What’s interesting is that it isn’t just a map that’s releasing, but pretty much an entire game mode. Here’s a quick look at the map’s overview:
On Taego, player’s will experience this new comeback BR system. Similar to other modern BR’s players that die early will now have a second chance at redemption. The way it works is that when players die in the first phase, they will respawn in a separate location when the second phase kicks off. Here they face off other casualties, and if players survive, they respawn and re-join their teammates.
Self-Revive Kit
That’s not the only new feature in TAEGO. Krafton are also introducing a new mechanism, similar to what we already have in both Apex Legends and Warzone, the Self-revive kit. As the name states, this kit allows players that were knocked down to revive themselves over a period of time. This is essential during team fights, and could be crucial towards the end of the match.
If you’d like to watch some top gameplay on the new map, check out chocoTaco’s first win on the new PUBG Map:
When is it coming out?
The patch notes for the 12.2 update have already been released. We do not have an official statement just yet, but we can expect that the map will release on the 7th of July, sometime round 10:30 CEST.
Just recently, the PUBG Continental Series 4 for all regions wrapped up. Indeed, that sets us up perfectly for the next Major for the season. Accordingly, the ESL PUBG Masters 2021 Europe is only a week away. Bearing this in mind, feel free to read on for all of the viewership details!
Event Background
Along with many more exciting things we are happy to announce #ESLPUBGMasters Summer's format! 👋
We have increased the open qualifiers cap to 512 teams! 😏
With regards to event background, the ESL event will be held online with $50,000 on the line. Besides prize, teams are competing for PUBG Global Championship points which really start to matter now.
Notably, this is a Squads PC event, with 24 teams lining up to compete. Running from the 8th July to the 1st August, it looks to be an incredible event.
As of right now, the Direct Invites are yet to be announced, though they’ll assuredly be the best teams in the world.
512 teams can participate in the #ESLPUBGMasters Summer qualifier! You want to be part of this!
With regards to dates, you can find the schedule below for the multiple stages:
Qualifiers – July 8-11th
Upper Bracket – July 16th
Lower Bracket – July 17-18th
Grand Finals Week 1 – July 24-25th
Grand Finals Week 2 – July 31st – August 1st
With regards to specific streaming schedules, we recommend you check the event’s social media page.
Watch the ESL PUBG 2021 Masters Europe on esportsguide
You can also watch the ESL PUBG 2021 Masters Europe live stream via our very own website. Providing an extensive list of the biggest esports together with streams for each esports match live today or upcoming matches.
I think it’s safe to say that we can back up our predictions by taking a look at the PUBG Global Champions rankings. Accordingly, here are the top 10 teams so far based on these rankings:
Team Liquid
Natus Vincere
FaZe Clan
BBL Esports
Most definitely, Virtus.pro are your favourites heading into this event. On the back of their victory at the PCS 4 Europe event, they look to carry the momentum into this next event. Behind them are Team Liquid, who played second at the same event.
Credits: Tencent
Otherwise, third place is quite a mystery here due to the tight competition and randomness in this regard. It’s likely between the likes of Heroic and Redline based on recent performances.
However, we should definitely keep in mind how difficult battle royale is to predict. Indeed, to make it through multiple stages of an event like this, consistency is essential. You can be assured that the most consistent team has the best chance of winning – balancing between kills and placements to maximize the points attained.
In other news, we expect the excitement and viewership to kick off right where it left off at the PCS 4 a few weeks ago.
T1 have just announced that they are parting ways with Bean from the PUBG roster. As a result of this, they are also getting a new player with the name of kAyle. Here is their announcement:
Today 'BeaN' from T1 was traded with 'kAyle' from DWG KIA through a mutual agreement. We appreciate what 'BeaN' has contributed to our team and please send warm greetings to 'kAyle'!
As stated in the tweet above, T1 have entered a mutual agreement with DAMWON Gaming to trade players. In this exchange, T1 are parting ways with Bean to bring on kAyle.
Bean first joined the squad back in April, and while him joining was highly anticipated it didn’t turn out to be as expected. His best result with T1 was a 7th place in the Battlegrounds Smash Cup Season 4. Here, he and his team only got $898 from the prize pool. Here are all the results T1 achieved with him on the roster:
10th at PUBG Continental Series 4: Asia – 27th June 2021 – $6,000
24th at Bilibili PUBG Asia Cup – 6th June 2021 – $0
7th in Battlegrounds Smash Cup Season 4 – 30th May 2021 – $898
8th in PUBG WEEKLY SERIES: EAST ASIA Phase 1 – 23rd May 2021 – $2,660
Who are they getting?
With this change, T1 are bringing on 21-year-old Jung “kAyle” Soo-yong. He started his career in 2018 with OGN Entus Force, and later went on to represent DAMWON Gaming in 2020.
Here are his best achievements so far in PUBG:
4th at PUBG Global Championship 2019 – 24th November 2019 – $200,000
2nd in PUBG Asia Invitational 2019 – 12th January 2019 – $100,000
1st at AfreecaTV PUBG League – Season 2 – 30th June 2018 – $53,563
It’s going to be exciting to see these changes into play. Be sure to never miss out on any of the important esports news on www.esportsguide.com!