As of late, the competitive Heroes of the Storm community has been through a rough time. Due to the cancellation of the Heroes of the Storm Fall Global Championship, other events are being organized. Accordingly, the Community Clash League is on its way and we have some details!
Indeed, details for the event have emerged on Twitter as follows:
Supposedly, details include a ‘live draft’ format and the event organized by HeroesHearth. It’s a format more common in traditional sports.
So – what is a live draft?
Well, a selection of players will be present in one pool – all of which will be professional players. Then, through a randomized online programme or through an in-person draft, players are picked one by one until teams are formed. However, in this case, this may be split up according to roles to make sure teams are balanced.
Until now, details for the Community Clash League remain sparse. Officially, more details will be released on 18th August. Having organized events in the past like the Heroes CCL Season 2, the community is looking forward to more details. HeroesHearth has the community’s attention and proceeds to tease away.
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