Earlier on this week, as covered in an article, leaks for the CCL began emerging. Short for Community Clash League, the competitive Heroes of the Storm event is gripping the community. Offering itself as a small replacement to the HOTS Fall Global Championship – all the details have finally been released!
In an official announcement, the organizers of HeroesHearth began spilling the beans. The Heroes Community Clash League looks to act as a climax of all of the previous events organized before.
So, in bullet point fashion, here’s a list of some of the important details:
- The event will run for a total of 12 weeks
- Accordingly, it will feature the top players in the NA HOTS scene
- In order to enter, players must achieve in-game rank of Masters and above in Storm League to become Free Agents
- Any organization may take a slot in the league
- In total, there is space for 48 players, meaning 8 organizations.
- The regular season and playoffs in total will run from November 7 – January 17 2021.
- Games played each weekend with BO5
In the original post, there are also details with regards to application dates and deadlines. Apart from the other small events, the teased Live Draft is taking place! Broadcasting on October 17th, it’ll be exciting to see how selection will take place.
Overall, the community is thrilled over the initiative.
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