Valve have just released their patch notes for their recent CS:GO update. In this patch there are updates regarding “Trusted Mode”, maps, some changes to gameplay, and more bug fixes. Here below is the full list of updates and changes in the newest patch for CS:GO:
- Trusted Mode is now the default launch mode for CS:GO.
- Previous Trusted Mode launch options have been deprecated.
- Instead, a new compatibility launch option “-allow_third_party_software” is provided to allow third party software to access the CS:GO game process.
- For more information about Trusted Mode please refer to the following Knowledge Base article here.
[ MAPS ]
- Added Mutiny and Swamp to official matchmaking in Casual, Deathmatch, and Scrimmage game modes.
- Chlorine and Jungle have been removed from official matchmaking.
- Grenades now convey the correct amount of damage to teammates if thrown by another teammate who switched teams or disconnected.
- Decoy grenade explosions no longer damage teammates by default. (controlled via convar ff_damage_decoy_explosion)
[ MISC ]
- Fixed bsp-embedded models caching rules to allow for reloading the correct model when transitioning to a different map.
- Capped view model backfaces on Desert Eagle.
- Fixed workshop workbench texture regeneration on low shader quality GPU configurations.
- Minor adjustments to Danger Zone delivery drone behavior for Steam Workshop Danger Zone maps.
Main Changes
The main change in this patch is the newly introduced “Trusted Mode” which will be utilized to reduce the amount of cheaters in the game. Despite Valve’s effort to reduce cheating in CS:GO, it seems like Trusted Mode might have increased the amount of cheaters, according to several players. This is a very big issue as this was supposed to be a very big step in order to cleanse CS:GO from any type of cheating.
Another big change for the casual community are the new maps that have been added to the map pool. Chlorine and Jungle have been available for around 4 months and it was about time that Valve had them updated or swapped with other really good maps. Below are images of both of the maps that have been added:
Credits: Valve
Credits: Valve
The controversial Trusted Mode is an ongoing topic as CS:GO’s main issue has always been its cheaters. Hopefully in due time, Valve manages to find a way to cope with all the cheating involved, to help make Counter-Strike the game it was meant to be.
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