The Dota 2 organization known as Newbee has received a lifetime suspension from all events hosted by the China Dota 2 Professional Association (CDA). The CDA conducted an investigation and monitoring of their recent matches and it was suspected that they were match fixing in the China Dota 2 Pro League S2 and DPL-CDA S1 events. Alongside the organizational ban, the members and players have also received a lifetime ban from events organized by the CDA. These members and players are: Xu “Moogy” Han Yin “Aq” Rui Wen “Wizard” Lipeng Yan “Waixi” Chao Zeng “Faith” Hongda Feng “Feng” Yiqing This news comes as a shock to many, as Faith was a legendary player on this roster, and many thought that he wouldn’t be capable of doing such things due to his reputation. The Newbee roster had a solid reputation through the years, some honorable mentions of wins at events: 1st place in the Dota2 Professional League Season 2 Top (2016) 1st place in the Perfect World Masters (2017) 1st place in ESL One Genting (2018)
We’ve covered a lot of match fixing reports on our website, and unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be stopping any time soon. Hopefully with these harsh bans, lesser teams would be allured to resort to match fixing, as it has no place in esports and competitive play.