Over the past week, the Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2021 took place. Indeed, apart from the prize pool, a coveted spot for PMGC 2021 was on the line. Accordingly read on as we discuss GodLike Esports PMGC 2021!
GodLike Esports PMGC 2021 – BGIS 2021 Recap
However, the funny part is that GodLike Esports didn’t win the event. Specifically, they only placed fourth at the event, with the following standings:
- #1 – Skylightz Gaming
- #2 – TSM
- #3 – Team XO
- #4 – GodLike Esports
Showing a strong performance at the Grand Finals stage, placing fourth was supposedly not good enough to qualify for PMGC 2021.
However, news quickly came out that there was a catch. Accordingly to appear at PMGC in Dubai later this week, teams need to follow travel restrictions.
Bearing this in mind, the three teams that placed higher than GodLike Esports could not make it to the LAN event due to travel restrictions. Although it’s unideal – rules are rules.
Although placing fourth, they remain one of the fan favourite events for the region with the following regions:
- Abhijeet “GHATAK” Andhare
- Suraj “Neyoo” Majumdar
- Jonathan “JONATHAN” Amaral
- Abhishek “ZGOD” Choudhary
- Vivek “ClutchGod” Horo
Despite the strange circumstances, let’s see if they can make some noise at PMGC 2021!
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