This time last year, the Intel World Open was going to make history by being tied to the Olympics. However, last year everything had to be cancelled for obvious reasons but now, we’re back. Indeed, Intel is once again pushing the event and tied to the Olympics yet again – let’s do it!
Intel World Open – Multiple Esports
In order to merit being part of the Olympics, this event will only feature non-violent, non-bloody esports. Namely, the likes of Street Fighter V and Rocket League will be featured. Bearing this in mind, we naturally have a keen interest for Rocket League, which will host a $250,000 prize pool on its own.
In terms of details, the finals for the IWO Regional Championship for Rocket League will take place from 11-14th July.
With lots of details yet to be announced, this is generally an awesome piece of news for general esports. Indeed, this will be an opportunity for the esports to find its place at the Olympics in Tokyo later on this year, besides traditional esports.
Further down the line, this could potentially lead to more esports being allowed to take part in this rare opportunity. We’ll keep an eye out for details regarding the Rocket League event.
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