Sometime last week, we covered the most recent change in competitive Rainbow Six Siege. Specifically, the convergence of the US and Canadian Divisions of the competition. Granted, we’ll know be diving into the US Division 2020 Finals which is two weeks away!
First and foremost, note that qualification for this event precedes the change – so the involved teams are strictly from the former U.S. Division. Accordingly, the top 4 teams seeded from Stage 2 of the competition are back at it again to fight for dominance.
Here they are, fighting for $150,000:
- DarkZero Esports
- Oxygen Esports
- Spacestation Gaming
The single-elimination bracket will kick off on the 22nd January and run up until the 23rd. Fortunately, the event will be hosted in an offline environment at the HyperX Esports Arena.
Accordingly, this is the climax following the initial season of the newly devised leagues for competitive Rainbow Six Siege. Bearing this in mind, the US Division Finals 2020 will need to prove to be a great event to signify this end.
As we grow nearer to the event, we’ll be offering an in-depth content piece on everything you need to know. What’s certain is that there is no one clear winner, which is extremely exciting!
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