Heading into the PGL Antwerp Major Americas RMR, the community had questions. Specifically, the event offered a curious format which polarised the community. Read on as we discuss how queries have led to change below!
PGL Antwerp Major Americas RMR Format – Changing it Up
For those unaware, this event is massive for teams to qualify for the $1,000,000 PGL Major event later this year. Here, six teams from North America and South America will fight for seeds – how?
That’s through the format. Originally the format proposed is a so-called ‘Bulchoz’ format, which the teams have had problems with. Specifically, the above Tweet from FURIA started the commotion.
Accordingly, the whole point of this original format was to equalize points – beating a better team earns you more points.
However, the problem here is that teams don’t get to choose who they compete against, with 3-2 scorelines potentially sending teams home.
Following much discussion, PGL announced the following change.
Indeed, now the event will include a more familiar Swiss Format to help determine the seeds when needed. As outlined in the Tweet, now there will be decider matches to help decide who’ll make it through.
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