With their partner announced for the 2022 season, G-LOOT will host some events for PUBG this year. Accordingly, with the PUBG G-LOOT Season 5 event planned for the coming days, there’s a new update. Read on as we discuss this piece of news.
PUBG G-LOOT Season 5 – Collision with PCS 6?
Specifically, the following has been announced over on social media at PUBG Esports:
In light of the ‘political situation’, we’ve decided to reschedule the rest of the Season 5 tournament. Super Weekend will now take place on March 25-27 and the Grand Finals on April 1-3. G-Loot is working closely with all parties to figure out how best to support the teams, players, and colleagues. Updates when available will follow soon.
Credits: G-Loots Press Release
Like many other organizers, this is a sensible reaction.
However, there is concern from the community. Accordingly, this resccheduling will in fact make the event clash with another. Specifically, the PCS 6 EU West Open Qualifier will be happening at the same time.
Considering this, it’s likely that the latter event is also rescheduled to avoid the clash.
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