Despite the incredible coverage that Valorant is receiving as of right now, Riot Games continues to push further support for their main title of League of Legends. A new announcement from Riot Games has revealed a new ‘Champion Roadmap’ which looks to introduce new characters at a steady rate every year – read on to learn more!
Six: this is the official number Riot Games has released. Six heroes every year should cover every single role, while offering Mid-Laners two champions at a time. When asked as to why, Riot had the following to add:
Mid lane is the most popular role in League, and mid lane assassin players are looking for something quite different than mid lane mage players. Since so many people enjoy mages and assassins, we’re aiming to release a champion for both audiences every year.
Riot Games
Together with this statement, they confessed that the goal of six may not be reached every year though they’ll try their best to do so and continue serving the community.
So there you go – if you’re a fan of competitive League of Legends worried that Valorant would take the limelight, you can be certain that Riot will maintain focus amongst the multiple side-projects planned for the future.
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