Former DarkZero Esports player Skys has announced that he is retiring from Rainbow6 Siege. Here is his announcement:
Skys retiring from Rainbow6 Siege – Why?
In his statement, Skys does not mention the exact reason that led to his retirement. However, he does address the fact that he has spent the past 6 years thinking solely about R6. Now he reveals that it’s time for him to move on, and do other things. Obviously after playing a game for so long, it tends to become boring and un-enjoyable, and that seems like it’s the case with Skys.
Here are some of his best achievements in R6:
- 3rd-4th in Six Invitational 2019 – 16th February 2019 – $160,000
- 5th-6th at Six Invitational 2020 – 14th February 2020 – $150,000
- 1st in Six August 2020 Major – North America – 16th August 2020 – $62,500
What’s next for him?
With regards to his future, Skys says that for the time being, he will put his focus on streaming. He doesn’t know as of right now on what he will do as a backup, but he’s ready to try multiple things. Whether it be content creation, or maybe pursuing an esports career in another game.
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