Accordingly, multiple rosters are being confirmed for the upcoming VALORANT Partner League. Indeed, as players sign to new [...]
17 Nov 22
G. Sciberras
Indeed, the DWG KIA LCK roster has an impeccable record. So much so, that not being first is not enough for this team. After not [...]
1 Jun 22
G. Sciberras
Accordingly, the DWG KIA Roster 2022 has gone through a few changes over the past few months. Regardless, they managed a good [...]
20 Apr 22
G. Sciberras
Despite having massive success in competitive League of Legends, DWG KIA is still finding its foothold in competitive VALORANT. [...]
21 Dec 21
G. Sciberras
When should a team make a roster change? Indeed, that's a great question. While the majority of the community would say it's [...]
1 Dec 21
G. Sciberras
Indeed, DAWMON Gaming has been in the news recently and not for the usual reasons. Unfortunately, the organization has fallen [...]
29 Jul 21
G. Sciberras
I think most people have heard of DWG KIA, if not, at least they're phenomenal achievements this past year. Indeed, ever since [...]
24 Jun 21
G. Sciberras
Riot Games have opted to reveal the host cities of the Worlds 2021 League of Legends Championship. Here is everything you need [...]
16 Jun 21
N. Bonello
Wow. Just wow. It finally happened and in an epic way with DWG being handed their first loss of the LCK Spring 2021 season as [...]
20 Mar 21
G. Sciberras
DWG KIA have already had a hectic start to 2021, and now to add on to the announcements, they have revealed that they are [...]
20 Jan 21
N. Bonello