Over the past week, we've been covering rostermania in League of Legends. However, most teams right now are simply dropping [...]
19 Nov 21
G. Sciberras
Although many are discussing rostermania across mainstream League of Legends, there's more than that going on. Indeed, the [...]
12 Nov 21
G. Sciberras
It's that time of year for competitive League of Legends. Indeed, we are headed to the exciting post-season events which [...]
5 Aug 21
G. Sciberras
If you haven't noticed, their is a recent trend for franchised League of Legends organizations. Indeed, many have decided to [...]
3 Aug 21
G. Sciberras
Yesterday, CLG published a behind the scenes video which was directed towards fan transparency about their current situation on [...]
13 Jul 21
N. Bonello
Indeed, saying that FlyQuest LCS Roster has had a rough season is far from an understatement. Accordingly, even though they've [...]
8 Jul 21
G. Sciberras
The Golden Guardians have revealed that they are bringing on Licorice for the LCS. Here is their [...]
7 Jul 21
N. Bonello
North American LCS team FlyQuest has just announced that they’ve opted to implement drastic changes to their roster. Here is [...]
7 Jul 21
N. Bonello
Yesterday, Cloud9 tweeteted out that Zven is returning to the C9 LoL (League of Legends) Starting lineup. Here is everything you [...]
24 Jun 21
N. Bonello
Unlike other competitive League of Legends regions, the LCS 2021 will be keeping the score from the previous season. Indeed, [...]
17 Jun 21
G. Sciberras