Earlier this month, we witness the much-awaited return of the Overwatch League. Accordingly, since the Kickoff Clash earlier [...]
28 May 22
G. Sciberras
Finally, after so much waiting, the 2022 season for the Overwatch League is almost here! Indeed, we've been studying the roster [...]
29 Apr 22
G. Sciberras
With the Overwatch League set to return on May 6th, details are still coming through. Accordingly, a recent report highlights an [...]
25 Mar 22
G. Sciberras
It's been an incredible wait for this next season of the Overwatch League 2022. Yet, finally, Blizzard dawned upon social media [...]
16 Feb 22
G. Sciberras
Accordingly, we patiently wait for news regarding the upcoming Overwatch League season, teams are making changes to improve [...]
15 Feb 22
G. Sciberras
With the next season of the Overwatch League still pending a start date, teams are still making changes. Accordingly, one such [...]
2 Feb 22
G. Sciberras
Indeed, it's been quite rough for the London Spitfire in the OWL. Accordingly, as crowned champions of the first season, they've [...]
11 Dec 21
G. Sciberras
As the Overwatch League dives into its next season, rostermania is taking place. Accordingly, lots of roster changes are hitting [...]
7 Dec 21
G. Sciberras
With many esports in the middle of rostermania, Overwatch is making some noise too. Accordingly, a tonne of rosters are being [...]
24 Nov 21
G. Sciberras
Indeed, over the past week, we witnessed the conclusion of the OWL Playoffs 2021. Accordingly, with the conclusion of the [...]
27 Sep 21
G. Sciberras